Business leaders on global forums help increase the financial literacy of commoners
Global business leaders like CEOs of Walmart and Delta Airlines have come together In a recent global business forum hosted by Operation Hope to educate on Silver-rights. Several other companies have also joined Hope Bryant to contribute to financial literacy.
Financial literacy and financial freedom was the theme to speak about in the global forum. John Hope Bryant prods the big business leaders of embed financial literacy in schools, Bryant calls it the Silver-rights movement. “Silver-rights movement is a movement that validates the next phase of the civil rights movement. It is an empowerment movement not just for the American minorities but for the majorities as well”, says Bryant. Operation hope 2022 launched a joint initiative called ‘financial literacy for all’ along with Walmart, Disney, and Bank of America business owners.
Operation Hope is focused on the wealth inequality in black communities and others to narrow the economic gap between races. According to the Federal Bank of st. Louis, the average white family, had 1.27 million dollars against the $316000 of an average black family. Mr. Bryant, along with other business leaders, jointly puts an effort to bring change in the economic gap, which he feels is fundamental for the success of America.